The Administrative Council is the main governing body of the Emmetsburg First UMC. It handles matters of ministry, business, finances and staffing. Many of the members of the council are chairpersons of church committees or paid staff.
Serves as the “Personnel Office” of the church. Staff Parish Relations ensures that the church is appropriately staffed. The committee provides guidance to the Pastor regarding the establishment of priorities for ministry and evaluating the effectiveness of that ministry.
Board of elected members who are responsible for the stewardship (maintenance & upkeep) and management of the church properties. They are also responsible for securing and reviewing the insurance coverage on the church.
Charged with responsibility for developing and implementing plans that will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the church council. It administers the funds received according to instructions from the church council.
Determines how endowment funds are spent.
Recommends members of the church to serve within church committees. The committee on lay leadership also serves throughout the year to guide the church council on matters regarding leadership (other than employed staff) and to identify, train and support leaders in the congregation.
Works on the historical records for this church and the people in it. They gather, organize, and maintain this information in appropriate form.
Focuses on ministries to nurture the congregation. These ministries include Christian education, Membership Care, Welcome & Hospitality, and Worship.
Focuses on missions in the local area as well as abroad. The programs at UMC help Christians respond to God’s call to serve our brothers and sisters who are in need, through gifts of money, time, talent, crafts and love.
gives attention to developing and strengthening evangelistic efforts of sharing personal and congregational stories of Christian experience, faith and services; communications, lay speaking, and other means that give expressions to witness for Jesus Christ.
Plans and organizes the United Methodist Women’s organizations.
Organizes and plans for the monthly gathering of YAH. Everyone is welcome to join this group for friendship, devotions, entertainment, and refreshments.
These people are responsible for organizing, planning, and serving the food at funerals.